After having such a long break (Easter break was just last week), I was worried that B would not remember all of the vocabulary fully from the week before. He quickly proved me wrong as we went through the words and he had no problems save for the same two as before (ruler and crayon).
    It was time to add to his vocabulary and I introduced a set of 8 new words. As before, the words were introduced using flashcards. He was able to name them all after a round of 5 repetitions.
    To practice recognizing the words, B was given a wordsearch. It contained the new words as well as those he knew from before. Once that was finished, he was then given the task of writing sentences with "I have" or "I have a". This time the sentences were not modeled for him. He chose to write the words which were unfamiliar to him and he was very successful in this task.
    The other activity we worked on this week was a game of "Go Fish" using flashcards. It took some time and some demonstrations before he fully understood how to play, but once it got underhand he thoroughly enjoyed it. It encouraged the repetition of various vocabulary words and encouraged him to use sentences such as "Do you have...".
    Finally, we practiced using words with letter blocks (I used Bananagrams, but Scrabble tiles would work just as well). I would name a word and he would try to recreate it. Often he had to refer to the written slips, but he attempted shorter words like "pen" on his own. Next time I would have him take the words he has learned, and make a crossword which he would have to then draw.

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    Miss Gloge

    Welcome! My name is Miss Gloge and in this blog, you will find my experiences in working with a young boy of the age of 8 who is learning English as a second language. We worked on his language skills for 5 weeks and these were my findings.


    April 2013
    March 2013

